From PeaceAction Montgomery.

What is the Iraq war costing you? What can local government do? What is the Montgomery County Peace Resolution?

These questions will be discussed at a Town Hall Meeting on Sept. 22 entitled “Can Montgomery County Help End the War?”

County Executive Isiah Leggett will moderate, and speakers will include Columbia University economist Dr. Brendan O’Flaherty and Institute for Policy Studies Fellow Karen Dolan.

Cosponsors of the forum include County Council members Valerie Ervin, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal, Duchy Trachtenberg, and Marc Elrich.

In addition to the huge loss of life and the enormous toll of injuries, the Iraq war is one of the costliest in our nation’s history in economic terms. These costs are being felt at the local level, and they need to be understood for what they are.

Everyone is invited to this Town Hall Meeting, which will be held Monday, Sept. 22, 7-9 p.m., Germantown campus of Montgomery College, Globe Hall, 20200 Observation Dr., Germantown.

This event is sponsored by PeaceAction Montgomery, Montgomery College Peace and Justice Studies Community, Pax Christi Montgomery, Progressive Maryland, Montgomery County Government Employees Organization, DC Region Veterans for Peace, Social Justice Committee of UUCR, Progressive Neighbors of Montgomery County, Network of Spiritual progressives of MD, RRUUC Peace Action Task Force, Episcopal Peace Fellowship (MD/DC), and Maryland United for Peace and Justice.

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