Thanks to Barrie Carr, Senator Nancy King (D-39), Delegate Saqib Ali (D-39) and the Sligo Creek Golf Association for these pictures from the Kensington and Gaithersburg Labor Day Parades.


U.S. Senator Ben Cardin

Attorney General Doug Gansler

County Executive Ike Leggett

County Council Member Nancy Floreen. Note how well-behaved her dog is!

County Council Member Marc Elrich. Note the sign: No Developer Influence!

State Senator Rich Madaleno (D-18), in blue, leads the District 18 Delegation.

Delegates Jeff Waldstreicher (left) and Al Carr (center), teammates in District 18.

These are only a few of the Al Carr supporters who showed up. Delegate Carr, a former Town Council Member in Kensington, had a strong turnout on his home turf.

The District 18 booth, swarming with more Carr fans.

Sligo Golf Course supporters made a strong showing.

Sligo golfers take over Connecticut Avenue.

Sligo Creek Golf Association President Karen Howland speaks with a Fox 5 reporter. Politicians beware!


Senator Nancy King (D-39) and friends wearing their colors.

Senator King was named “Distinguished Friend of Gaithersburg” this year even though her district borders, but does not include, the city. We hear that King is Gaithersburg’s go-to person in Annapolis.

Delegate Saqib Ali and friends.