Former Delegate George Owings III (D-27B), who represented Calvert County as a House Democrat but served Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, is drawing some notable support on Facebook for his nascent campaign against Governor O’Malley. Here’s a few of his Facebook fans who jump out for us.

Delegate Gail Bates (R-9A) from Howard County

Delegate Bob Costa (R-33B) from Anne Arundel County

Delegate Dereck Davis (D-25) from Prince George’s County, Chair of the House Economic Matters Committee, who has not endorsed O’Malley for re-election

Chip DiPaula, former Chief of Staff for Governor Bob Ehrlich

Larry Hogan, former Cabinet Member for Governor Ehrlich and a potential Republican candidate for Governor

Gregory Massoni, former Media Advisor to Governor Ehrlich

Justin Ready, former Executive Director, Maryland Republican Party

Diana Saquella, lobbyist for the Maryland State Teachers Association

Delegate Mike Smigiel (R-36) from the Eastern Shore

Former Delegate Joan Stern (D-39) from Montgomery County

Maria A. Topper, staffer for Delegate Tom Hucker (D-20), who has endorsed O’Malley for re-election

Delegate Richard Weldon (I-3B) from Frederick and Washington Counties

On September 7, Owings told his supporters:

Well, my Dear Friends, you joined this group for one reason or another and so to hold you here for a bit longer, let me bring you up to date. What has been going on is alot of travel; Baltimore, Ocean City, St. Mary’s County, Prince George’s County and a few other places as well. I am talking candidly ( as if there was any other way) about the state of the state, my ideas, suggestions, and when necessary, why what we have is just not working, in my opinion. All my life I’ve been told that “the tent” is large enough for all to enter. My entire political career has been just right of center ,but what we have seen these past three years has been too far to the left. It will be interesting to watch the evolution of and, in my case, the participation in, action under the big top. The website will be launched in 3-4 weeks so I do hope you stay tuned. I need not remind any of you about the seriousness of the next election, inclusively, it is about our future.

Have a good night,

Does the Governor’s staff know about this? Um… now they do.