Following is a solicitation illustrating the cross-Potomac pollination of Virginia and Maryland politics. Note the location: the home of Leggett fundraiser and EZStorage lobbyist Barbara Goldberg Goldman.

Our friends and neighbors just across the Potomac River and the entire Democratic Party need our help!

Please join us and Governor Martin O’Malley and Democratic Party Chair Susan W. Turnbull for a fundraising reception for


Democratic Candidate for Governor of Virginia

(Please download the attached flyer for additional information)

October 8, 2009
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
10030 Carmelita Drive, Potomac, MD 20854

Melissa Smith @ 410-269-8818,;
Adam Goers @ 202-812-3231,

CREIGH DEEDS has spent the last two decades serving constituents from all walks of life.

Here is an opportunity to help Creigh continue serving the fine people of Virginia, and to keep Virginia blue! This race is in the home stretch with just under 37 days to go and, according to recent polls, is neck and neck.

Just some highlights about Creigh:

Creigh is the only candidate in the race for governor with a plausible, comprehensive plan to solve Virginia’s transportation crisis. According to the Washington Post,“Deeds’ ‘everything-is-on-the-table’ approach offers the flexibility to come up with innovative and workable strategies.”
Creigh served in the Virginia Senate since December 2001
Creigh served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1992–2001
Creigh is Pro-Choice, endorsed by the Planned Parents Advocates of Virginia for his 2009 Gubernatorial run
Creigh supported exemption of the sales tax on the purchase of solar or wind energy systems for homeowners
Creigh supports giving tax credits to businesses that produce “green jobs”
Creigh supports tougher sanctions on lenders that deal in sub-prime mortgages
Creigh supports a state ban on the civilian ownership of semi-automatic rifles
Creigh supports and created a plan called “Better Schools. Better Jobs.” The plan calls for up to $15,000 in student loans for 4-year college students, and for creating partnerships with community colleges and traditional universities
Creigh supported reducing class sizes at schools and day-care facilities and requiring more teachers and guidance counselors
Creigh wrote Megan’s Law, which allows public access to the state sex offender registry, and sponsored Amber Alert Program to keep our children safe
Creigh wrote one of the most progressive laws to preserve open space and protect the environment
Creigh received the Leadership in Public Policy Award from The Nature Conservancy and the Preservation Alliance of Virginia named him Delegate of the Year
Creigh wrote the state law that has turned the tide against homegrown illegal methamphetamine drug labs
Creigh wrote some of the toughest legislation to keep Virginia families safe and secure, and has built his career as a consensus builder who delivers results
Creigh worked with Governor Tim Kaine to keep Virginia moving forward with an energy policy that will cut greenhouse gases by 30 percent over the next two decades and a pre-kindergarten program that will put children on the path to success from the start
Creigh worked with then Governor Mark Warner to put the Virginia budget back in order: cutting waste and protecting important priorities. The 2004 bi-partisan budget agreement invested more than $1 billion in education, eliminated the state food tax, and put more police officers on the streets with the tools and the training they need to keep us safe
We hope you will stop by, meet and support Creigh Deeds, and help keep Virginia “blue!”

Please download the attached flyer for details; and please, consider donating even if you are unable to attend. A donation in any amount is precious.

Looking forward to seeing you on October 8th
Mike Goldman & Barbara Goldberg Goldman