In an email to his constituents entitled, “Looking Forward to 2010,” Delegate Roger Manno (D-19) heaps praise on fellow District 19 Delegates Ben Kramer and Henry Heller, but mentions Senator Mike Lenett only in passing. This is sure to fuel rumors of a primary challenge. We reprint the email below.

2009: Giving thanks, taking stock
and looking forward to 2010…

Dear neighbors:

With 2009 just about behind us, I would be remiss if I didn’t take a few moments to reflect, to thank you for all of your support, and to wish you and your families peace, health and happiness in 2010.

Like so many other states, Maryland faced unprecedented challenges in 2009 due to the national economic climate – and it was clear throughout the year that the everyday difficulties facing working families, retirees and small businesses created additional responsibilities on state government to be resourceful and diligent in addressing these needs.

In addition to working to advance meaningful legislative solutions (please visit for more information), my Annapolis office was inundated with requests for assistance with unemployment benefits, health care benefits, foreclosure assistance, and other aid from every level of government. In all my years working in government, 2009 was among the most challenging and humbling years I’ve encountered, with many heartbreaking cases of average folks facing great adversity. Throughout it all, however, I’ve been amazed by truly remarkable examples of personal triumph by residents coming together to help one another and collaborate for a better community. And throughout the year, my office has worked tirelessly to make government function efficiently in order to provide a high level of responsive public service.

In this regard, I’d like to thank my staff. First and foremost, I’d like to recognize the tireless work of my Office Administrator, Ms. Patricia Fallon. “Ms. Pat” came out of retirement to join our office team in 2007 after working for Maryland governors for several decades. Her understanding of state government, attention to detail, and diligence are only matched by her genuine commitment to public service and her loyalty to the 110,000 residents of the 19th Legislative District. It is always a great personal honor and learning experience for me to serve with her.

In addition, I’d like to thank Kevin Gillogly, Evan Goodman, and numerous volunteers, interns and Fellows in our office, including Ezra Rosenberg, Arie Stock, and Brian O’Laughlin. While all focused on different aspects of legislative, policy and constituent service, all did their level best in 2009 to improve the lives of our District’s residents.

I would also like to thank Delegate Ben Kramer and his terrific aide, Mrs. Sue Chessis, with whom I and my staff share an office in Annapolis. Over the last three years, Ben and I have collaborated to build a “one-stop-shop” legislative office in the House of Delegates that has collectively assisted with thousands of constituent and community concerns on a full-time, year-round basis. He is a hard working, serious legislator with whom I have been proud to work on numerous legislative and community initiatives.

In addition, I’m sure Ben and I can both attest to the leadership and enduring work ethic of our District’s senior legislator, Delegate Hank Heller. A soft spoken, learned public servant, Hank’s contributions to our community over the last 23 years are too vast to adequately articulate here – from extraordinary legislative leadership in the areas of disability rights, education funding and land preservation, Hank has represented our interests in Annapolis for decades. I’m sure that State Senator Michael Lenett and other elected officials will similarly attest to Hank Heller’s leadership, as well.

Finally, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives this year to share with us your thoughts and concerns on how to improve state government, and for working collaboratively with us to improve our community.

Once again, all the best to you and your family in 2010.