The HOTTEST new rumor circulating through the cloaked ranks of the spies is that District 2 (Upcounty) Council Member Mike Knapp will not be running for his current seat again and that Delegate Craig Rice (D-15) of Germantown will make a try for it. We asked Delegate Rice about this yesterday and here is his on-the-record quote:

“I have no comment at this time but will be able to address the question on Monday evening.”

Folks, this rumor has longer legs than Stacy Keibler!

If Rice ran for Rockville, that would be the biggest surprise so far in the 2010 election season. It also puts the question of Knapp’s future squarely on the table. He could be headed for big bucks in the private sector. He could also be running for a different office.

Like maybe… County Executive?