One of MPW’s cloaked spies filed the following report on Delegate Herman Taylor’s announcement for Congress yesterday against Donna Edwards.


There were about 250 people in the UM Alumni Center, with very loud music blaring. The crowd was about 95% African American. 2 ministers gave invocations and several other ministers were introduced. A little girl sang “I Think I Can Fly” and Ski Johnson, a famous saxophonist, played. 3 people talked about how Herman helped them with scholarships, getting health care, and being a helpful guy. Rona Kramer urged everyone to knock on doors to help Herman and Herman’s mother introduced him, saying he always wants to help people. Ida Ruben was there and described as Herman’s mentor. Also there were George Leventhal, Craig Zucker, and DC Councilman Kwame Brown. There was a very complimentary video bio of Herman which included Ike Leggett and George Leventhal.

Herman’s talk was animated and emotional. He talked about his accomplishments in Annapolis, formally announced his candidacy for Congress in Maryland’s 4th congressional district, and said he would fight for the little guy, help promote the American dream not the American nightmare, help small business and minorities, and bring winds of change.

The audience was extremely enthusiastic for Herman.

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