Our spy network reports that the Metropolitan Washington AFL-CIO decided its County Council endorsements last night. The news has not been formally released yet, but the word is that the labor federation endorsed:

District 1: Roger Berliner
District 2: Craig Rice
District 3: None
District 4: Nancy Navarro
District 5: Valerie Ervin
At-Large: Marc Elrich, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal, Hans Riemer
Executive: Ike Leggett

And so the streak recorded by Berliner, Elrich and Riemer remains alive.

Update: Here’s the formal statement from the fed.


NO POSITION means the MWC AFL-CIO takes no position in a race, leaving locals free to make their own decisions about candidates

NO ENDORSEMENT means the MWC AFL-CIO opposes a candidate’s endorsement and encourages locals to refrain from making any endorsement of that candidate.

NO RECOMMENDATION means the MWC AFL-CIO has nothing to say about a given race.

ENDORSEMENT of a candidate(s) requires a 2/3 majority.

To be considered for endorsement, candidates must have returned a completed questionnaire by the publicized deadline.

The Delegates considered the recommendations of the Executive Board, discussed, amended or accepted the recommendations. These are the results:

Endorsement in Local Races – these are final endorsements

District of Columbia

DC City Council Chairman- No Position
Ward 6 Councilmember- No Position

Prince George’s County

County Council:

District 1 – Sam Epps
District 2 – Will Campos
District 3 – Eric Olsen
District 4 – Ingrid Turner
District 5 – Andrea Harrison
District 6 – Derrick Davis (ATU 689 requested to be recorded voting against)
District 7 – Karen Toles
District 8 – Obie Patterson
District 9 – Mel Franklin

County Offices:

Sheriff – No Position
Register of Wills – Cereta Lee
State’s Attorney – No Position

Montgomery County

County Executive – Ike Leggett

County Council

District 1- Roger Berliner
District 2 – Craig Rice
District 3 – No Endorsement (Phil Andrews)
District 4 – Nancy Navarro
District 5 – Valerie Ervin


George Leventhal
Marc Elrich
Hans Riemer
Nancy Floreen

Sheriff- No Position

Maryland General Assembly Races- Please Note – These are recommendations only – the Maryland State and DC AFL-CIO makes final endorsement Tuesday July 20 at its Executive Board and State COPE meeting.

Montgomery County Legislative Districts

District 14

State Senate: Karen Montgomery
House of Delegates: Anne Kaiser, Eric Luedtke, Craig Zucker

District 15

State Senate: Robert Garagiola
House of Delegates: Kathleen Dumais, Brian Feldman, Lara Wibeto

District 16

State Senate: Brian Frosh
House of Delegates: Bill Frick, Susan Lee, No Position in the 3rd spot

District 17

State Senate: No Position
House of Delegates: Luiz Simmons, Kumar Barve, No Recommendation 3rd spot

District 18

State Senate: Rich Madaleno
House of Delegates: Ana Sol Gutierrez, Jeff Waldstreicher, No Position 3rd spot

District 19

State Senate: No Recommendation
House of Delegates: Bonnie Cullison, Jay Hutchins, Ben Kramer

District 20

State Senate: Jamie Raskin
House of Delegates: Sheila Hixson, Tom Hucker, Heather Mizeur

District 39

State Senate: No Position
House of Delegates: Charles Barkley, Kirill Reznik, Shane Robinson

Prince George’s County Legislative Districts

District 21

State Senate – Jim Rosapepe
House of Delegates- Joseline Pena Melnyk, Barbara Frush, Ben Barnes

District 22

State Senate – Paul Pinsky
House of Delegates- Justin Ross, Ann Healy, Tawana Gaines

District 23

State Senate – Doug Peters
House of Delegates- James Hubbard, Marvin Holmes, NO Position for 3rd Spot

District 24

State Senate – No Position
House of Delegates- Carolyn Howard, Michael Vaughn, Greg Hall

District 25

State Senate – Ulysses Currie

House of Delegates- Aisha Braveboy, Melony Griffith, Dereck Davis (with the proviso that MWC and MD.DC send him letters regarding his anti-CWA behavior and request a meeting)

District 26

State Senate – Anthony Muse
House of Delegates- Veronica Turner, Kris Valderrama, NO Endorsement of Jay Walker

District 27

State Senate- Defer to Md/DC AFL-CIO (Miller refused to fill out questionnaire)
House of Delegates- James Proctor, Joseph Vallario

District 47

State Senate- No Position
House of Delegates- Doyle Niemann, Jolene Ivey, No Position 3rd spot

Tri-County Legislative Districts

District 27-B –

House of Delegates- Sue Kullen

District 28 –

State Senate- Mac Middleton
House of Delegates- Peter Murphy, Gary Hodge, Jim Easter

District 29 –

State Senate- Roy Dyson
House of Delegates- John Bohanan

A recommendation from Tri-County COPE was inadvertently left off the list of candidates for consideration by the Executive Board. It was moved, seconded and adopted to endorse Cliff Savoy, member of Sheet Metal Local 100, for the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee and the Calvert County School Board.