One of MPW’s most valued spies has leaked the partial results of a secret poll done on the County Council At-Large race. Those results are so shocking that they are almost impossible to believe!

The poll was not commissioned by an at-large candidate, but its results may have been sent to one or more of them. The spy could not retrieve critical information like sample size, actual questions or percentages. All of these are good reasons to doubt the accuracy of the information. But the spy has never failed us before and we have reason to believe this poll actually took place.

Here is the rank order of finish in the poll.

1. George Leventhal
2. Marc Elrich
3. Hans Riemer
4. Duchy Trachtenberg
5. Nancy Floreen
6. Becky Wagner

We hear that Wagner is closer to Floreen than Floreen is to Trachtenberg. But if this poll is like the others we have seen on the county or district level, it likely has a very large margin of error that could scramble the above result considerably.

Although we trust the spy, we have doubts about the validity of the poll. Hans Riemer started this race with virtually no name recognition. He ran in District 5 (Silver Spring-Takoma Park-Wheaton-Kensington) four years ago, but spent a significant amount of time working for Barack Obama afterwards. Prior to the onset of mail, there is no way he should be in the top four. But he is rumored to have the best ground game of any at-large candidate at the moment. Could this poll result be due to thousands of undetectable knocked doors or phone calls?

This will be one hell of a race all the way to the end.