Council District 1 challenger Ilaya Hopkins has gone negative against incumbent Roger Berliner again, following her criticism of him in her announcement speech, her slamming him for supporting the Costco subsidy, her post-debate screed in June and her attack on his Purple Line position. Hopkins probably has to do this because Berliner has nearly swept the major endorsements and looks pretty strong right now, but at this point, she is running the most negative campaign in the county. Don’t be surprised if Berliner responds by discussing her history as a registered Democrat.

Following is her latest email against Berliner.

Berliner’s Failing Grades


The Montgomery County Council recently adjourned for the summer recess. This presents an excellent opportunity to review the work and accomplishments of Councilmember Roger Berliner during the recent legislative session, and more importantly, over the past four years. As other organization do, we have issued Councilmember Berliner grades in six key areas. You can view all the details on our website.

Education – D

Berliner’s blank check sign off on MCPS budgets over the last four years, where his lack of engagement with the Board of Education and Superintendent on school funding and infrastructure issues is now having a detrimental impact on our classrooms and students

Transportation – D

When one looks at Berliner’s proposals it becomes clear that none will reduce the amount of cars on the road in the short term, alleviate severe congestion from major District 1 intersections, shorten any commute times, improve existing mass transit options or provide any immediate alternative transportation solutions in the form of new bikeways or pedestrian access.

Environment – E (for Effort!)

Given his role as an energy lawyer and registered lobbyist, it is not surprising that nearly all of Berliner’s sponsored bills deal with energy or environmental issues. Unfortunately, Berliner’s proposals have a negligible impact on the environment in the county, where real environmental impacts are seen through transportation and land use policies.

Fiscal Responsibility – F

Despite repeated budget warnings from the County Executive, Berliner and his Council colleagues increased Montgomery County spending a total of 14.5% three of the last four years until reaching a record billion dollar shortfall this budget year.

Economic Prosperity – F

As our budget scenario grows more dire, Berliner and his colleagues on the Council have worsened the situation by continuing to impose drastic taxes and fees on the only source of revenue they can now turn to – our business community. The net effect will be a loss of jobs, more businesses leaving or going out of business, and an uncompetitive economic environment to attract new private sector businesses and federal agencies to Montgomery County.

Quality of Life – F

Unfortunately, our quality of life in Montgomery County has not improved over the last four years under Roger Berliner and this council. In fact, we can’t even say that it has stayed the same. It’s difficult to give such a poor grade in this most important of categories, but not even being able to maintain the status quo merits a failing grade.

Overall Grade – D-

We can’t afford four more years of pour leadership, misguided priorities and fiscal recklessness!

You can read the full scorecard here.

Don’t forget, donations need to be in by midnight today to count for our August financial report. You can contribute on-line right now.

Thanks for all your support.


Christopher Gill
Campaign Manager