By Adam Pagnucco.

The state and county governments have many citizen boards.  The overwhelming majority of them are advisory and have little actual power.  But there is one board that oversees billions of dollars and is charged with the implementation of one of the state’s most critical activities: aid to public education.  This board needs a new member.

Could it be you?

Back in 2016, the state formed the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education to revamp public education.  Since the commission was chaired by former University System of Maryland Chancellor William (Brit) Kirwan, it was universally known as the Kirwan Commission.  The commission ultimately helped create the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, a multi-billion dollar spending program designed to improve performance, equity and accountability in Maryland schools.

The Blueprint is now overseen by the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB), which the state describes as “an independent unit of State government that was created to ensure that the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is implemented as intended. ​The AIB holds State and local governments accountable for implementing the Blueprint with fidelity and evaluates whether the Blueprint’s outcomes are being achieved.”  The board is chaired by former Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett.

Here’s a bit of advice: if you have a chance to work with Ike Leggett, take it.

One of the AIB members has been named as Governor Wes Moore’s chief of staff, so the board is seeking a new member.  It’s a dream position for education policy experts since the board’s impact will last for decades.  If you think you’re the right person for the job, the email below contains the links you need to apply.

Good luck!


Dear Members of the Maryland General Assembly,

The AIB Nominating Committee met on Monday, February 6 to announce a vacancy on the Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB) following the resignation of AIB member, Fagan Harris. The individual selected to fill this vacancy will serve for the remainder of Mr. Harris’s term, which expires on July 1, 2024.

Linked below is the application information sheet. The application information sheet includes all the necessary information on the role and responsibilities of the AIB and how to apply for the vacancy. Please share this link with interested individuals and organizations. The application period is open between February 10 through February 24 at 8:00 p.m.

Thank you for supporting the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and Maryland public schools.

Dr. Shanaysha Sauls

Chair, Accountability and Implementation Board Nominating Committee

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