By Adam Pagnucco.

Council Member Sidney Katz, who was reelected easily to a third term in District 3, was an elected official in the City of Gaithersburg for decades before joining the council in 2014.  He does well throughout the district but his primary political base is in Gaithersburg.  Bear that in mind as we go through how his votes correlate with those of other candidates.

First, let’s look at how Katz voters voted in the county executive primary.

County Executive Marc Elrich defeated David Blair by the tiniest of margins among all voters but among Katz voters, Blair won by almost 7 points.  That’s not surprising as Gaithersburg was one of Blair’s best areas in his race.  Hans Riemer underperformed among Katz voters, a function of his lagging percentage in Gaithersburg.

Now let’s look at how Katz voters voted in the council at-large primary.

Now here is a bit of a surprise.  Laurie-Anne Sayles, who finished fourth among total voters, is a former Gaithersburg City Council Member.  But Katz voters would have elected Scott Goldberg instead of Sayles.  Sayles finished fourth in Gaithersburg in her race – not a bad finish but one that could use improvement.  Becoming the go-to person for Gaithersburg among the at-large members would be a good start.  Katz voters also preferred Gabe Albornoz to Will Jawando although they would have elected both of them.

More data is on the way!