By Adam Pagnucco.

Last weekend, the Washington Post published another article on the mushrooming sexual harassment scandal at MCPS.  According to the Post, Khalid Walker – an MCPS investigator who had cleared principal Joel Beidleman of sexual harassment allegations – had been later promoted and given an $11,893 raise.  When Post reporter Nicole Asbury contacted MCPS to ask about the promotion, they at first confirmed it and later told her that Walker had been given a lateral transfer at the same salary instead.  The article contained this explosive paragraph:

Still, four former central office employees told The Post that [Superintendent Monifa] McKnight would have been aware of — and would have had to approve — her district’s recent move of Walker to an O level position with a raise. “There’s no way that McKnight wouldn’t have known, procedurally and especially given what a key figure he is in all this, in the middle of a storm. It couldn’t have slipped through,” one former central office employee said.

This prompted a new deluge of criticism of MCPS.  And that was before two prominent Jewish organizations excoriated McKnight about what they felt was her weak response to Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israeli civilians.

Now it looks like there may be staff changes at MCPS.  Last night, McKnight sent out the following memo describing several staff moves in the central office.  The rationale for the changes is unclear as well as whether they were voluntary or not.  What is clear is that the unrest at MCPS continues.


Subject: Update from Dr. McKnight on Personnel Changes

This message is forwarded on behalf of the superintendent of schools.

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to provide you an update regarding personnel changes in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS).  Dr. Patrick Murphy, deputy superintendent, is no longer employed by the district.  I want to thank Dr. Murphy for his service to MCPS and wish him well in his future endeavors.

Within the Office of School Support and Well-Being (OSSWB), Dr. Donna Redmond Jones and Dr. Eugenia (Jeanie) Dawson are currently on leave.  To minimize any disruptions, Dr. Peter Moran, associate superintendent, and Mr. David Adams, acting associate superintendent, will be providing supervision to the schools and other staff under staffing changes.

In addition, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Brian Stockton, chief of staff, with any questions at

Thank you for your commitment to our staff, students, and communities.


Monifa B. McKnight

Superintendent of Schools

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