By Adam Pagnucco.

Shortly after April McClain Delaney announced her run for Congress in District 6, one of her Democratic rivals – Delegate Joe Vogel – attacked her on Twitter.  Vogel has been running since early May and is the current leader in fundraising.  His video is posted below and is accompanied by a transcription.


Do you seriously think the answer to the chaos we’re seeing in Congress right now is to let another mega-millionaire buy an election?

I’m Joe Vogel.  I’m not a millionaire.  As a state legislator, I’ve been fighting against corporate special interests while delivering real solutions on the mental health crisis and the fentanyl overdose epidemic.  Now I’m running for Congress against a corporate mega-millionaire who doesn’t even live here.

From Oakland to Gaithersburg, folks all across this district want a member of Congress who’s going to be accountable to them.  Someone who’s going to wake up every morning in the district they represent and fight like hell for them in the halls of Congress.

So listen, this won’t be easy.  It’s going to be a tough fight.  But we’re going to win this with your help.  Go to right now and make a contribution to power our grassroots movement.  Let’s show that people are more powerful than politics and money.  And let’s send a real champion for working families to Congress.