By Adam Pagnucco.

Here is one of the biggest questions facing Team Trone in Maryland’s current U.S. Senate campaign.  If it’s judged to be necessary, how can Trone possibly attack his rival, Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks?

Since Alsobrooks has a lot of fans and Black women are an influential part of the state’s Democratic electorate, this is a tough question to answer.  I bet Trone’s campaign has already polled on this.  And so a blast email sent by Trone today is likely an early, although tentative try at criticism and contrast.  The email links to this WYPR article on Alsobrooks’s endorsement by Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott.  (How often do rival campaigns promote each other’s endorsements?)  Check out how the email, which is reprinted below, pokes Alsobrooks for vetoing money intended to help juvenile offenders stay out of trouble.



November 29, 2023


Gaithersburg, Md. – Yesterday, WYPR reported on the criminal justice issue in the US Senate race:

From WYPR:

“‘As a prosecutor, I came to understand that we were incarcerating… so many people who were suffering from addiction and mental illness rather than giving them the help they needed to be healed,’ she said. ‘It has been a priority of mine, as county executive, to bring more and more dollars in treatment for mental illness and for addictions.’

Alsobrooks said she planned to take similar priorities at the federal level. Last June, she vetoed a $250,000 budget amendment passed by the Prince George’s City Council that would have expanded an existing program to increase mental health services, education and job training to juvenile offenders before they were released from incarceration with the hopes of reducing recidivism. At the time, she cited a potential $60 million budget shortfall as the reason for her veto…”