By Adam Pagnucco.

Minutes ago, the school board announced that it was releasing a less redacted version of a report by law firm Jackson Lewis on MCPS’s recent sexual harassment scandal.  The board said the following in its email:


Release of Easier-to-Read Version of Redacted Jackson Lewis Report into MCPS Procedures for Handling Complaints

Today, the Board of Education has released a version of the Jackson Lewis Report into MCPS Procedures for Handling Complaints that is easier to read and has fewer redactions than the report released to the public on October 12, 2023.

While it still has a number of redactions to protect the identity of staff, the intent is to help create a fuller picture for the public of the investigation findings, while continuing to protect the privacy interest of our employees.

Today’s release aims to reassure the community that the Board of Education is committed to transparency, openness and accountability while we begin to heal our community and re-focus on the work of learning and teaching.

In her statement at Tuesday’s Board meeting, Board President Karla Silvestre said: “We have heard your requests for a better understanding of Jackson Lewis’s findings, and we are taking another look at the report to see if there are any areas in which we could redact less.”

The release of the less redacted version of the findings today is in direct response to those requests.

Read the easier-to-read version of the Jackson Lewis Report.


Two council members – Evan Glass and Andrew Friedson – had requested that a less redacted version be released and MCPS officials are just minutes away from appearing before the council.

This version of the report is easier to follow than the first.  You can read it here.

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