By Adam Pagnucco.

A document provided yesterday by MCPS management to the Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA), which represents teachers and other educators in the school system, notifies MCPS unions of potential reductions in force (RIFs) in the next fiscal year.  The document was sent one day before the county council scheduled its final vote on the FY25 operating budget (which is today).

Procedures for RIFs (layoffs) are governed by MCPS’s collective bargaining agreements with its three unions – MCEA, SEIU Local 500 and MCAAP (Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals).  The document, titled “Reduction in Force Talking Points,” begins by discussing the nature of RIFs and then offers this comment on the condition of MCPS’s budget.



Throughout the development of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) became aware of significant budgetary challenges. Despite initial reductions included throughout the budget development process and the expenditure restrictions implemented January 17, 2024, the final budget approved by the Montgomery County Council resulted in a $33 million budget deficit. Addressing the budget deficit has demanded significant actions including: reduction in central office supports, increase in class size by 1 student, elimination of the Montgomery Virtual Academy, delay in Pre-Kindergarten expansion, reduction of secondary staff development teacher allocation by 0.4 Full time Equivalent, reduction in contractual services, decrease in CollegeTracks funding, and reduction in musical instrument repair funding.  As a result, a reduction in force (RIF) is necessary to ensure financial stability. The RIF impacts all employee groups.


After describing the RIF procedures in the collective bargaining agreements, the document states:



All employees who are impacted by the RIF will be notified by their supervisor and will receive written notification from Ms. April Key, chief of human resources and development.  On the written notification, the employee must indicate the option (RECALL or NO RECALL) that best aligns with their personal and professional situation by checking the appropriate box and returning the signed notification document to the Office of Human Resources and Development by Wednesday, May 29. 2024. Employees who do not return the signed notification document indicating their choice will be processed as terminations with no recall option.


The document does not state the volume of layoffs or the classifications of affected employees, but it does say, “The RIF impacts all employee groups.”

I asked MCPS for comment about this document.  Its communications office provided the following statement.

MCPS has been communicating with the Board of Education and the Montgomery County Council on what a reduction in our budget would mean. Any final determinations will depend on the final budget approved by County Council and in collaboration with the Board of Education. We are preparing for whatever decisions the Board of Education makes, and we are being intentional about planning and communicating the options that will certainly impact our staff and students. All of these decisions are still under consideration and there are no specifics or details to share at this time.

My take: Here are three crazy things about this.

First, MCPS is due to receive a $157 million (5%) increase in the council’s budget.  One can argue about whether this is adequate but it’s not a cut, and we are not in a recession.

Second, MCPS reported a $77.3 million general fund balance at the end of FY23, of which $68.6 million was spendable.  What is the current status of that money?

Third, MCPS shared this information with the unions one day before the council is due to cast its final vote on the operating budget.  If MCPS had known about this a couple weeks ago, perhaps something could have been worked out.  This is awfully late to brandish the reaper’s scythe.

The document discussed in this post can be downloaded below.

Talking Points – Reduction in Force 240521

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