By Adam Pagnucco.

Seven Republican delegates – Matt Morgan (St. Mary’s), Lauren Arikan (Harford), Robin Grammer (Baltimore County), Kathy Szeliga (Baltimore County), Mark Fisher (Calvert), Brian Chisholm (Anne Arundel) and Ryan Nawrocki (Baltimore County) – have signed a joint letter declaring their allegiance to convicted felon Donald Trump.  In their letter, the delegates characterize his conviction as a “travesty of justice” perpetrated by a “kangaroo court.”  They add, “This ‘lawfare’ has only previously been seen in brutal dictatorships.”

The email from Szeliga, which contains the letter, is reprinted below.


Dear friends,

I, along with six other Maryland state delegates, have just released a statement expressing our support for President Trump. I am sure more information on a call-to-action plan will be available in the coming days—you can read the full statement below.

Thank you,

Kathy Szeliga

May 30th, 2024

We, the undersigned, stand alongside President Trump in his fight against the political persecution that is transforming our justice system into a third-world parody of law and order.

The decision today signifies the conclusion of a kangaroo court influenced by a left-leaning prosecutor, a partisan judge, and a jury from one of the most progressive areas in the country, all to target the former president and 2024 Republican nominee Donald Trump.

The fact that this case, involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago, has been brought to court highlights the political influences affecting the justice system, particularly in places like New York City. This concern is amplified by the district attorney’s pattern of leniency towards criminal conduct, which has put law-abiding citizens safety at risk.

It is frequently asserted that no one is above the law, but equally important is the notion that no one is beneath it. Had the defendant not been Donald Trump, this case likely would not have been pursued. In the United States, the rule of law should be applied impartially and fairly, without being influenced by any political agenda or biased judiciary.

Today’s verdict is a travesty of justice and a blatant attempt by the Biden Justice Department to jail a political opponent in the middle of an election year. Most egregious is that this was done intentionally to deny the American public their constitutional right to vote in a free and fair election for the candidate of their choosing. This “lawfare” has only previously been seen in brutal dictatorships.

We stand with President Trump in his fight to defeat the political persecution that is turning our justice system into a banana republic.