By Adam Pagnucco.

Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) President Jennifer Martin has just released a video in which she states that while MCPS likely won’t implement layoffs, furloughs and other workforce measures are still possible.  She states, “We need our county leaders to cough up $10 million more to prevent overcrowded classrooms and crushing workloads.”  And she called members and allies to attend a rally in Downtown Silver Spring on Monday.

The video from Twitter and a transcript appear below.


Hello colleagues.  We just learned it’s now unlikely that there will be layoffs.  And this is a huge step forward.  And it’s because of our collective power and the pressure we have put on MCPS.  We’re winning but we can’t stop now.  There is still no commitment to prevent furloughs, to honor open contracts or to put every teacher in a placement that doesn’t disrupt their lives and the lives of their family.  And MCPS still insists there’s no funding for the virtual academy.  They also won’t promise that transferred teachers will be working in their certification areas.

We need our county leaders to cough up $10 million more to prevent overcrowded classrooms and crushing workloads.  We can’t let them solve their problems on our backs.  Let’s ramp up our fight and keep pushing forward.

Meet me Monday June 10th at Veterans Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring at 4:30.  Wear your red shirt and bring friends and family with you.  There’s still time to get the money we need for our schools.  The public needs to know: we’re fighting for all students and families in Montgomery County.  See you there!

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