By Adam Pagnucco.

Rushern Baker, the former delegate, Prince George’s County executive and two-time candidate for governor, has opened a new campaign finance account.  What’s he up to?

First, Baker opened his newest campaign finance account on July 9.  The account’s chairman is Baker’s son, Rushern Baker IV, and its treasurer is tax accountant Calvin Brown, a veteran of Prince George’s County politics and government.  The account does not specify its intended elected office.  Baker is not a candidate in the upcoming special election for Prince George’s County Council.

I asked Baker about his plans for the account.  He sent me this reply:


Dear Mr. Pagnucco

Thank you for your question. I am NOT a candidate for the Prince George’s County Council special election, I’ve endorsed County Council Chair Jolene Ivey in the special election.

I’m not currently a candidate for any office, but, it is my hope to raise money to help support other candidates who I feel would make a strong contribution to Pri. Geo. County, the State of Maryland or our Nation.

Again, Thanks for your question

Rushern L. Baker, III


Note: the underline in the reply above appeared in Baker’s email.

Rushern Baker.  Photo credit: State of Maryland.

Left unsaid by Baker but of obvious relevance is that his successor in the county executive’s office, Angela Alsobrooks, could be serving in the U.S. Senate next year.  Baker served two terms in that position, the limit in the county’s charter, after which he ran for governor.  However, the language in Section 307A of the Prince George’s County charter specifies the limit as two consecutive terms.  Here is what it says:

Section 307A. – Term Limitation.

No person shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms on the County Council. No person shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms as County Executive; provided that a Council member who has served two terms as a district member shall be eligible to run for an at-large seat on the Council and is eligible to serve for no more than two consecutive terms as an at-large member. This Section shall apply to all persons who are currently serving on the County Council or as County Executive on the effective date of this Section and to all persons elected thereafter.

Baker runs a public affairs and government relations firm that has worked with the University of Maryland.  He has many friends and admirers inside Prince George’s County and beyond who see him as an effective leader.  Will he once again reoccupy his position as one of the most prominent elected officials in Maryland?