By Adam Pagnucco.

Back in March, I reported that Park and Planning had filed a civil suit against former county council staffer Carolyn Chen seeking payment for $19,190 in athletic field reservations she had made.  (The story first appeared in Moderately MoCo.)  The reservations were the subject of an inspector general (IG) investigation which found that they were inappropriately made on behalf of the council when they were actually intended to benefit Chen’s spouse.  Chen ceased working at the council at some point thereafter.

On July 18, the parties agreed to dismiss the case with each party bearing its own costs.  The stipulation of dismissal appears below.

I asked Park and Planning for comment on the dismissal.  A spokesperson for the agency told me, “The Commission was able to successfully resolve its civil case against Ms. Chen by obtaining payment in full for all outstanding fees. Out of respect for the State’s Attorney’s Office’s ongoing investigation, we decline to comment further at this time.”

The spokesperson is referencing another post I published back in May, which revealed that the state’s attorney’s office had convened a grand jury to investigate Chen.  I asked that office for comment, and a spokesperson told me, “We do not make comments on the existence or nonexistence of an ongoing investigation.”

Chen’s activities were easily traceable by council staff, Park and Planning and the inspector general.  If the allegations were correct, I am baffled by how anyone engaging in such conduct could think that it would not eventually be uncovered.

Let this event serve as a note of caution for anyone else considering similar behavior in county government.

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