By Adam Pagnucco.

Part One explained how this survey was conducted.  Now let’s start looking at the people whom my sources selected as the most influential elected officials representing the county, in ascending order of votes they received.

All comments are from my sources except for those specifically made by me.

15 (tie). Senator Cheryl Kagan (11 votes)

While not everyone may agree with Cheryl on some of her causes, she does an excellent job at bringing home the “bacon” for Gaithersburg and Rockville. She is also accessible to the members of D17 and does not hide behind staff.

Her email distribution list and fearlessness help make her very influential.

Pagnucco: Probably the foremost state legislator on election law issues and very active on 911.  Also, I have said this before and I’ll keep saying it until people get it: don’t mess with Cheryl Kagan.

15 (tie). Lieutenant Governor Aruna Miller (11 votes)

While I don’t get to see the day-to-day of the Moore/Miller administration, it looks to me from the outside that our Lt. Governor has a real policy role. And this will turn out to be a very consequential administration.

Pagnucco: This is almost too good to be true – a lieutenant governor from MoCo who represented us in the House of Delegates and, since she is a transportation engineer, has a thorough understanding of one of our most critical issues.  More of this, please!

14. Senator Craig Zucker (15 votes)

Chair of the Capital Budget Subcommittee. Brings state money back for county projects.

Not a visionary but influential in getting funds for local projects and looking out for his district and the county.

Capital funding machine in Annapolis.

The real leader of the MoCo team in the Senate.

Few people have funneled more capital dollars in Montgomery County history than Zucker has as Capital Budget Chair and previously. Being a close friend and key ally to the Senate President has been huge for MoCo, especially at a time when the County Executive is persona non grata in Annapolis.

Senator Zucker is our get-stuff-done guy on the Budget & Tax Committee. Bonus: you won’t find a nicer guy.

The Capital Budget chair has quietly become a mentor to many of his colleagues and has efficiently steered millions to the County.

Montgomery County has NEVER had a Delegation member who chaired a capital budget subcommittee.   This is incredibly helpful to the County government, and moreover, nonprofits in the County.

The king of the capital budget wields more power than some realize.

I have never heard anyone say anything bad about Craig and he is expanding his influence in Annapolis.

Pagnucco: MoCo’s delegation has never been known for its focus on bringing home the bacon, so seeing the above comments about Zucker is encouraging.  Message to voters: we could use a lot more like this guy!

13. Delegate David Moon (16 votes)

Is balancing progressive warrior with new leadership responsibilities.

A key player in state criminal justice conversations for many years, now in the Speaker’s inner circle.

House Majority Leader who is thoughtful.

The affable House Majority Leader has quietly gone from gadfly to chamber leader while helping to move the Caucus to the left, and being the voice of the Speaker on the floor.

Progressive leader plus a talented political strategist.

Pagnucco: Given his youth, it’s easy to forget how many roles Moon has had in this county – Raskin operative, campaign manager, council chief of staff, blogger and more.  Now he is a big deal in Annapolis, but when he wants to play in county politics, he can be a great validator for progressives.

More to come next!