By Adam Pagnucco.

Part One explained how this survey was conducted.  Parts Two, Three, Four, Five and Six listed elected officials.  Part Seven introduced influential non-elected people.  Let’s continue with them today.

All comments are from my sources except for those specifically made by me.

16 (tie). Harris Jones & Malone Lobbyist Ashlie Bagwell (7 votes)

An effective advocate who is liked and respected by pretty much everyone.

One of the few lobbyists to do both Montgomery County and Annapolis successfully.

Very effective lobbyist and provided a blueprint for pro-business entities in her work on the tip wage bill.

Pagnucco: Ashlie knows more about how Annapolis works than most senators and delegates.  She would (and should) rank higher on this list except that her influence is mostly invisible – and that’s exactly how she wants it.

16 (tie). Jewish Community Relations Council Executive Director Ron Halber (7 votes)

Has everyone’s cell phones and isn’t afraid to use them.

Pagnucco: The leader of the region’s largest Jewish advocacy group.  He has had his hands full with the outbreak of antisemitism connected in part to the Israel-Hamas war, but he is up to the challenge.

16 (tie). Inspector General Megan Limarzi (7 votes)

In many ways, she’s like Omar in the Wire… great at her job, but people get scared when she is coming.

OIG has had an impact, especially with its relentless investigations of MCPS wrongdoing. With increased funding for MCPS investigations, what else will be uncovered?

Pagnucco: The most aggressive, most prolific and best funded of the county’s inspectors general.

16 (tie). Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Earl Stoddard (7 votes)

Maybe the best hire by Marc Elrich. Trusted by electeds, smart, fair and a go to for many.

It’s said that the 2nd floor of the Executive Office Building can be split into 2 parts: 1 part is full of Elrich’s devotees who agree with him on everything, since he’s always right, and the 2nd is composed of reasonable public servants who care more about accomplishing real things for real people. If you want something done in county government, pray/knock on wood/cross your fingers that your file ends up on Dr. Stoddard’s desk.

Policy workhorse, committed to good governance, genuinely a nice guy, and one of the only people on the second floor who consistently gets sh*t done.

Pagnucco: Public safety professional who is respected by everyone, in part because he doesn’t play politics.

14 (tie). Greater Greater Washington Regional Policy Director Dan Reed (8 votes)

Dan has become a thought leader on housing.

GGWash gives Dan more power and now has a huge influence in Annapolis.

Slowly but surely turning the tide.

Still has a huge following and is a go-to resource and panelist for many.

Pagnucco: How did this kid riding the bus just up the pike turn into one of MoCo’s grand old people?  Dan has evolved from a writer to a doer and their influence now extends throughout the region with Greater Greater Washington.  If you’re a young person who has something to say and wants to have a real impact on this community, go talk to Dan Reed.

14 (tie). School Board Candidate and Former County PTA Vice President Laura Stewart (8 votes)

Laura is so ubiquitous in progressive and education circles it’s hard to believe she hasn’t been elected yet.

I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes on the BOE.

Amazingly committed and courageous advocate for all things youth related. She has done tremendous research on all kinds of health and safety, and equity issues. And uses all that info to sway electeds.

Pagnucco: PTA powerhouse who will be eligible for the elected official list the next time I do this survey.

More to come next!