By Adam Pagnucco.

Laura Stewart, a state and county PTA official who is running for the District 4 school board seat, has announced a set of endorsements from elected officials.  Her press release appears below.


For Immediate Release

September 17, 2024


Laura Stewart, Board of Education Candidate in District 4, is proud to announce endorsements from County Council members Evan Glass and Dawn Luedtke, County Executive Marc Elrich, Delegates Jared Solomon and Joe Vogel, and State Senator Cheryl Kagan.

These elected leaders have worked with Laura as she advocated for students, teachers, and families in Montgomery County and in Annapolis, and applaud Laura’s dedication to improving our public schools and children’s environment. Ms. Stewart has consistently advocated for increased transparency and accountability from MCPS and if elected, our legislators know she will be a strong voice on those and many other important issues.

“I’m supporting Laura Stewart because we need to improve oversight, increase transparency and restore trust within MCPS.” Evan Glass, Montgomery County Councilmember, At-Large.

“Laura Stewart is a tenacious, detail-oriented leader who can ensure accountability and integrity within MCPS.” Dawn Luedtke, Montgomery County Councilmember, District 7.

Stewart has a long history of working closely with legislators to pass bills that brought millions of dollars to school construction and education programs, reduced children’s exposure to lead in schools, improved mental health access, strengthened gun safety measures, and increased access to school nutrition.

“In the years I have served, Laura has been an effective advocate and a collaborative partner in Annapolis, focusing on improving education and school environments for all students. Her experience and energetic advocacy will be a tremendous asset to the Montgomery County Board of Education.” Jared Solomon, State Delegate, District 18

“I’ve watched Laura fight tirelessly for Montgomery County students and educators. She is a trusted champion who has the relationships, the knowledge, and the community trust to be effective. I know she’ll be a partner I can count on as we work to make our schools the best in the country.” Joe Vogel, State Delegate, District 17

Stewart says she looks forward to continuing her partnership with our elected officials from the Board table with the shared goal of providing the best educational opportunities possible for our students. “I am honored to have the support of these Montgomery County champions. They work hard to make sure we have strong schools and the resources we need to support our students and school communities. I am excited to work with them as a board member to address the challenges that lie ahead,” Stewart said.

For more information, visit Authority: Friends of Laura Stewart. Glenn Orlin, Treasurer


School board candidates commonly announce endorsements.  What is a bit unusual here is that Stewart’s opponent is Shebra Evans, a two-term incumbent.  Elected officials are normally a bit cautious about supporting challengers to incumbents because – of course – they are incumbents themselves, but that did not stop this group in this case.

If Evans sends out an endorsement list, I will print it.