By Adam Pagnucco.

The Montgomery County Republican Party has recommended that voters vote for Brenda Diaz for the District 2 school board seat.  This comes after the party has promoted Diaz in its emails.

The screenshots below contain the party’s sample ballot for the 2024 general election.  Diaz is the only school board candidate supported by the party.  The others are labeled “incumbent” or “union supported,” an apparent reference to the Apple Ballot.

In a prior comment to this site, Diaz wrote, “I am an Independent, unaffiliated entirely, and look forward to working with anyone who cares about improving the quality of education delivered by MCPS.”

On ballot questions, the GOP opposes the state question protecting reproductive freedom and supports the county question reducing term limits for the county executive.  The party helpfully notes, “The current County Executive would be unable to run for a third term in 2026.”

The Montgomery County Democratic Party customarily does not recommend school board candidates.  On its sample ballot this year, the party states, “The Montgomery County Democratic Party does not make recommendations in non-partisan elections, such as the Board of Education.”  Given the GOP’s decision to participate, the Democrats may want to reconsider that stance in the future.