By Adam Pagnucco.

On Wednesday, I wrote a post about a parking lot fight between Delegate Gabe Acevero and his 2022 opponent, Clint Sobratti.  While the two men dispute details of the fight, at the time of that column’s writing, they had filed applications for peace orders against each other and Acevero had filed a second degree assault charge against Sobratti.  Now, Sobratti has filed two second degree assault charges against Acevero and has applied for a peace order against a friend of Acevero’s who he claims participated in the fight.

The following quotes come from Sobratti’s application for statement of charges against Acevero (D-06-CR-24-007154) dated 9/24/24.  All spelling and grammar are as written in his account.


[Acevero] was attending an event where District 39 Democratic club was holding an end-of-the-summer get together with candidates and elected officials.  As chair of the club, we had several topic that we wanted to share with the community for the upcoming election.  All the candidates and elected official were finish speaking and we had concur the meeting to casual conversation and interaction.  As I was talking with several people about how to engage with voter, I saw Mr. Acevero and Mr. Montgomery Flu speaking.  I walked up to both gentlemen and ask Mr. Flu if he mind me asking Mr. Acevero who is one of the District Delegate, if he would like to make a donation for the annual legislative dinner and he responding with talk with the Senator first and get back to me.  As we moved on with talking with the remaining guests of the event – I noticed Mr. Acevero was heading to his car as he was leaving, so I called out to him by his car and we began to speak facing each other, he was position in front of his driver’s door and I was by the driver’s front fender, about 5-10 feet away.  I asked Mr. Acevero again, if he was going to donate to the annual legislative dinner which is honor of the District team and a chance for them, including Mr. Acevero to explain his legislative agenda for the upcoming General Assembly session.

Out of nowhere, Mr. Acevero became irate and extremely agitated and that’s when Mr. Acevero shove me in the chest physically and out of natural response I swung back and that’s when we were into a physical altercation.  Some point throughout the altercation Mr. Acevero friend Mr. Flu came and held me against my will and allow Mr. Acevero to continue to assualt me and hitting across my face and head with his fist.  As the remaining crowds gather around and started to shout for us to stop, that’s when Mr. Flu released me and Mr. Acevero jump into his car and came out being aggressive.  At this point, unsure of what he went into his car to retrieve, I was in total fear of my life, and I could hear the remaining guest shouting for us to calm down.  That’s when Mr. Acevero jump back into his car again in attempt to leave but he came out again went to hug one of the guest before leaving the area.


Delegate Gabe Acevero.  Photo credit: State of Maryland.

On the same day, Sobratti applied for a peace order against Montgomery Flu, Acevero’s friend.  In his court filings, Acevero referred to him as “Monty Fu” and both Acevero and Sobratti described his participation in the event.  (The two disagree on what he did.)  The following quotes come from Sobratti’s application for a peace order against Flu/Fu (D-06-CV-24-825294) dated 9/24/24.  All spelling and grammar are as written in his account.


Mr. Montgomery Flu held me against my will and allow his friend Mr. Acevero to continue to assualt me with multiple punches…

As chair of the District 49 Democratic club, I was hosting a end of summer get together with candidates and elected officials.  The event was held at the Apple Ridge Pavilion in Montgomery Village and was open to the public to attend to hear from candidates and ballot question for the November election.  Mr. Montgomery showed up near the middle of the event.

As the event concur, Mr. Montgomery was speaking with Mr. Acevero and I approached both guys and I asked Montgomery If he minded that I interupt to ask Mr. Acevero a question which Mr. Montgomery agreed to.  I ask Mr. Acevero about donating to the Annual legislative Dinner for the District and his response was check with the Senator first and get back to me.  We all left the topic and started to talk with the remainder of the guest at the event.  As thing dwindle down I noticed Mr. Acevero was getting so leave so approaching by the side of his car both of us facing each other about 5-10 feet apart, he was standing in front of his driver’s door and me in front of the driver’s front left fender.  I proceed to ask Mr. Acevero again if he is willing to donate to the annual legislative dinner that is being held for the elected official, which he is one of them.  At that point, Mr. Acevero got extremely irate and decided to shove me in the chest and I responded naturally and swung back with my hands.  During the altercation, Mr. Montgomery came out of nowhere and held me against my wish allowing his friend Mr. Acevero to aggressively assualt me with multiple punches before releasing me by the sound of the remaining guest, telling everyone to stop it and everyone intervene.  Mr. Montgomery Flu is good friend with Mr. Acevero and Mr. Acevero was the aggressive one through the altercation and instead of he trying to refrain his friend Mr. Acevero from attacking me, he enable his violent act. making me feel endanger for me life being around them.


Clint Sobratti in 2022.  From Sobratti’s campaign Facebook page.

Acevero’s version of events, which I recounted in my earlier post, is different than Sobratti’s.

At this moment, here is the tally of court filings.  Acevero and Sobratti have applied for peace orders against each other.  Sobratti has applied for a peace order against a friend of Acevero’s who was there.  Acevero has applied for a second degree assault charge against Sobratti.  Sobratti has applied for two second degree assault charges against Acevero.  These charges and peace orders await action by the State’s Attorney’s Office and the courts.  Additionally, as I previously reported, I have been told that video exists of at least part of the altercation.

This is the statute on second degree assault in Maryland state law:



(a) A person may not commit an assault.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a person who violates subsection (a) of this section is guilty of the misdemeanor of assault in the second degree and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $2,500 or both.

(c) (1) In this subsection, “physical injury” means any impairment of physical condition, excluding minor injuries.

(2) A person may not intentionally cause physical injury to another if the person knows or has reason to know that the other is:

(i) a law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of the officer’s official duties;

(ii) a parole or probation agent engaged in the performance of the agent’s official duties; or

(iii) a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, a rescue squad member, or any other first responder engaged in providing emergency medical care or rescue services.

(3) A person who violates paragraph (2) of this subsection is guilty of the felony of assault in the second degree and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine not exceeding $5,000 or both.


Who knows what the consequences of these court filings will be?  Wherever they lead, I will follow the issue closely.  Check back on Montgomery Perspective for updates, dear readers!