By Adam Pagnucco.

Recently, I wrote that county executive candidate Celeste Iroha had inaccurately told her contributors that their contributions to her campaign were tax deductible.  (In fact, the IRS explicitly prohibits such deductions.)  I also noted that her website did not contain an authority line as mandated by state campaign finance law.  These are obvious problems that were identified by my readers.

Last Friday, Iroha sent me the following email.


Subject Line: Good Evening-Important Request

Good evening. This is Celeste Iroha. Hope this email finds you well! I’m one of the County Executive Candidates for Montgomery County in Maryland. I am emailing respectfully, for you to not write on my campaign anymore. I’m running a campaign built on togetherness and your website doesn’t coincide with me.

You can support whoever you wish to support but I would appreciate it if you could refrain from writing about my campaign.

Be Blessed and Thank You,

Celeste Iroha


The existence of this post should indicate to her, and everyone else, my decision on whether to accommodate her request.

Additionally, as of this writing, her website still advises contributors that their contributions are tax deductible and still fails to include an authority line.  See the screenshot below.