By Adam Pagnucco.

As the General Assembly gets ready to pass a large tax hike, one state delegate has told Marylanders that it is their patriotic duty to “pay your fair share in taxes.”  Do voters agree?

The delegate in question is District 39 Democrat Gabe Acevero, who has been previously known for claiming an endorsement he did not have, attacking the union that once employed him, getting sued for failure to pay rent and brawling with a former opponent in a parking lot.  Acevero’s comments come after fellow Democratic Delegate Brian Crosby commented that he was moving his business out of Maryland and into Virginia because of taxes.

Republican Delegate Mark Fisher helpfully posted a video on X showing Acevero’s message to taxpayers.  The embedded video and a transcript appears below.


It is the most patriotic thing anyone can do is to pay your taxes and we can debate how we want to raise those taxes, whether we should raise those taxes, who we’re raising it on, but the most patriotic thing you can do is not the Pledge of Allegiance, is not singing the Star Spangled Banner but pay your fair share in taxes.


Is this the message of Annapolis Democrats to voters: be patriotic and pay up?

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