Democrats performed better in early voting than Republicans despite subpar turnouts in Montgomery County and Baltimore City.

Here is a chart contrasting voter registration and early voting percentages by party.

The Republicans’ early voting matched their voter registration percentage. The Democrats beat their registration percentage by 7.5 points.

One reason for the Democrats’ advantage would be if their party organizations in their three strongholds – Baltimore City and Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties – aggressively turned out early votes. But that has not been the case. Here is a chart contrasting voter registration and early voting percentages by county.

Prince George’s County was the only jurisdiction in the Democrats’ Big Three to beat their registration percentage in early voting. Both Baltimore and MoCo, and the Big Three together, lagged.

So the Democrats beat the GOP in early voting mostly by relying on party members outside their strongholds. That should be an encouraging sign for Martin O’Malley.