Here is our first update to the endorsements made by major organizations in MoCo’s council and state legislative races.

Endorsements are only one part of a political campaign, and they are probably not the most important part. Incumbents are expected to get them. Members or staffers of these organizations who are running for office are also expected to get their support. But endorsements can be important for challengers, especially those running one-on-one against incumbents or those running in crowded fields. They can be very much helped by institutional credibility in seeking to break through.

Here are the open-seat candidates and challengers who are really standing out right now. Most of them are going to win.

Hans Riemer, County Council At-Large
Trails only Marc Elrich in major endorsements.

Karen Montgomery, District 14 Senate
Leads Rona Kramer on our list 7-3.

Craig Zucker and Eric Luedtke, District 14 House
Mopping up against limited opposition.

Aruna Miller, District 15 House
Hand-picked by the incumbent slate. Lots of people are climbing on her wagon.

Ariana Kelly, District 16 House
Has six major institutional endorsements. Scott Goldberg has one. Kyle Lierman has none.

Cheryl Kagan, District 17 Senate
Leads Jennie Forehand 5-3 on our list. It will be interesting to see what the Post does.

Bonnie Cullison and Jay Hutchins, District 19 House
Both are supplementing their expected labor backing with support from other groups. In most cycles, they would win, but Sam Arora cannot be counted out. The decision by the Fire Fighters and Police to not endorse Cullison, a former union leader, is interesting to say the least.

Shane Robinson, District 39 House
Total unknown is still preferred by most groups to Bob Hydorn and Tony Puca.

We’ll have another update soon!