It looks like County Council Member Roger Berliner, who represents Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Potomac, may be endorsing at-large challenger Hans Riemer. Check out this blast email from Riemer’s campaign sent out this morning.

Dear [Recipient],

I am so happy to announce a couple wonderful developments for my event at Lucy Freeman’s house on Wednesday, August 11th.

First, County Councilmember Roger Berliner – who is a dear friend and wonderful public servant – will join us to speak at the event. I am thrilled to have Roger with me in this race.

Second, I am deeply honored that our Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler will stop by the event, too. Doug’s service to the people of Maryland and his roots in Montgomery County are very special. I am glad to count him as a friend and touched he can make an appearance.

Our stellar Host Committee of Democratic leaders and activists has been working hard to make the 11th a very special night.

To RSVP for the event on Wednesday night, send an email to You can reach my office by calling 240-646-4562.

Or you can RSVP online at:

Here are the details once more:


Nancy Altman, Darrell Anderson, Joanne Anderson, Willie Blacklow, Carole Brand, Liz Brennan, Sue Byrnes, Dan Farrington, Edith Fierst, Pete Fosselman, Delegate Bill Frick, Betty Ginsburg, Judith Hallett, Matthew Herrmann and Almina Khorakiwala, Ashwani Jain, Indu and Palav Jain, Roz Jonas, Mary Ann Keeffe, Ariana Kelly, Marc and Rebecca Korman, Minh Le, Delegate Susan Lee, Gil Lessenco, Connie Lierman, Kyle Lierman, Lisa and Paul Mandell,David Marblestone, Margit Meissner, Lynn and Michael Novelli, Ketch Ryan, Elly Shaw-Belblidia, BJ Sanford, Nicky Silverman, Len and Linda Simon, Ann Statland, Betsy Stephens


Wednesday, August 11
7 to 9 PM


The Home of Lucy and Harry Freeman
4708 Dorset Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD

Thank you again for your support.


Hans Riemer
Democrat for Montgomery County Council, At-Large