The District 39 Delegation invites you to join them for:

Community Foreclosure Forum

Saturday, October 11, 2008
10:00 a.m. – noon
Lake Marion Community Center
8821 East Village Avenue, Montgomery Village, MD 20886

• Confidential, discussions with professional counselors who can help you work through the foreclosure process.
• Learn from Maryland Secretary Tom Perez your rights and protections under Governor O’Malley’s new homeowner laws.
• Find out how the federal, state and local government can help you and neighbors.
• Meet with nonprofit representatives and find out what programs are locally available.
• There will be a limited number of Spanish-speaking housing counselors and rescue scam investigators on hand.
• Pre-registration guarantees free legal consult. Pre-register for the workshop by calling 301-858-3039 or sending an email to

Please be sure to bring the following:
o All paperwork related to your current and former mortgages including loan application, settlement paperwork, and lender statements.
o Information about their monthly household budget (income/expenses).
o All foreclosure notices or threats of foreclosure, if any, received.

Admission is free and open to the public, please invite your friends and neighbors.

Please RSVP to or call 301-858-3039.