By Adam Pagnucco.

Action Committee for Transit (ACT), a non-profit that has been advocating for transit, pedestrians and bicyclists since 1986, is seeking a full-time organizer.  Over the years, many of ACT’s leaders have been historic figures in county politics, including Ross Capon (who led the National Association of Rail Passengers for decades), author Ben Ross and Purple Line hero Harry Sanders.  This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to get into pro-smart growth MoCo advocacy.  Their email is reprinted below.


ACT is hiring a full-time organizer!

The Action Committee for Transit is now hiring a full-time, Montgomery County-based organizer to strengthen the organization and advocate for improved public transportation and bike and pedestrian safety. If you are interested in applying, please visit the job description at If you know anyone else who might be a good organizer for ACT, please forward the link to them.

Our goal is to expand ACT’s membership and volunteer base while ramping up our advocacy work to take advantage of the more favorable climate for transit, walking, and bicycling created by this month’s election results.

We are able to take this giant step thanks to a $20,000 grant from the memorial fund for Sarah Langenkamp, the bicyclist killed two months ago on River Road in Bethesda, and an equal matching fund pledged by 18 ACT members and friends.

We invite all of you to join in supporting the organizing fund so that the new organizer has the tools to expand our outreach online and in-person. You can contribute online at or by check mailed to ACT, P.O. Box 7074, Silver Spring MD 20907.

Action Committee for Transit