By Adam Pagnucco.

District 39 Delegate Gabe Acevero and his former opponent, Clint Sobratti, got into a physical altercation at an event on Sunday.  That’s according to peace order applications filed by both men.  Who started the fight and what will be its consequences?  Those questions await answers in court.

Acevero and Sobratti have a history.  In 2018, Acevero and Sobratti were among the candidates competing for two open delegate seats in District 39.  Acevero won while Sobratti lost.  Four years later, Sobratti formed a slate with the district’s other legislators to oust Acevero, and was backed by the union that once employed Acevero and fired him.  The plan failed as Acevero was reelected.

With that background, a District 39 Democratic Club event was held at the Apple Ridge Recreation Area in Montgomery Village on Sunday.  Sobratti had just been elected chair of the club.  That’s where he encountered Acevero.  After an altercation occurred, Acevero applied for a peace order against Sobratti on Monday.  He filed an application for criminal charges against Sobratti on that same day.  Sobratti applied for a peace order against Acevero on Tuesday.

Their accounts of what happened differ greatly.  Following are transcripts from their court filings.

The club’s announcement of the event on Facebook.

Acevero’s Story

In his peace order application (D-06-CV-24-825114), Acevero accused Sobratti of punching, threats of violence, harassment, detaining against will and “obstructed me from getting into my car while threatening me.”  The following quotes from Acevero come from the peace order application.  Grammar and spelling issues appear as stated in his account.


On 9/22 I was at an event at 10101 Apple Ridge Rd.  A friend (Monty Fu) and I were having a conversation when the respondent Clint Sobratti Jr approached us interrupted our conversation to ask me about a possible event.  When I told the respondent that I was having a conversation and would respond when I’m done he became hostile and insisted on speaking over us.  He followed me to my car and threatened to harm me.

The respondent followed me to my car hurling insults and expletives.  When I attempted to get into my car he placed his body against my car and threatened me before striking me in the face…

When the respondent, Clint Sobratti Jr, became increasingly aggressive I told my friend Monty I was leaving.  At that point, the respondent followed me to my car hurling expletives and threats.  When I attempted to open my car the respondent put his body against my car door obstructing me from getting into my car.  He continued to threaten and hurl insults and when I opened my door he told me, “I bet you won’t get into your car!”  I feared for my life as he kept pushing my door shut.  When I asked him to move he cursed at me.  I gestured for him to move from in front of my car door and that’s when he struck me across the face and said, “fuck you!”

My friend, Monty Fu, who witnessed the assault then ran over and got between the respondent and me.  He threatened to do it again when I decided to strike him back in self defense.  He lunged at me again when my friend pushed and held him back.  I was in complete shock and fear and decided to get into my car and leave and reported the assault not too long after to MoCo PD officer.


The following account comes from Acevero’s application for statement of criminal charges against Sobratti (D-06-CR-24-007143).  Grammar and spelling issues appear as stated in his account.


[Sobratti] approached my friend and me while we were speaking and asked about an event that I wasn’t aware of.  When I told the defendent that I was previously having a conversation, he became aggressive and hostile.  He continued to speak over my friend and me when I decided I would leave.  I told my friend, who witnessed what transpired that I was leaving, the defendent, Clint Sobratti Jr. followed me to my car hurling insults and expletives.  When I got to my car and attempted to get in he physically obstructed me by placing his body against my car door while he continued to hurl expletives.  I asked the defendent to move from infront of my door but he refused.  He then threatened me by saying, “you won’t get in your car!” as he stood in front of my door pushing it close.  When I gestured for him to move he then struck me in the face closed fist and told me “fuck you!”  My friend who witnessed the assault rushed over.  The defendent was aggressive and lunged at me.  Fearing for life I defended myself, I struck him back and pushed him away.  My friend got between us and kept pushing the defendent away from me.  Clint Sobratti kept threatening that he’d do it again.  I took a defensive position and then decided to get into my car.  I called the police shortly after to report the obstructional detention and assault.  I was harassed while walking to my car, threatened and attacked by the defendent…

The defendent was at the social event I attended on 9/22/24 at 10101 Apple Ridge Rd.  I have no relation to the defendent but I have seen him around at public events I’ve been at.  I am a public official and believe he was motivated by his dislike of me however I have never engaged with him nor have I ever had a personal relationship with the defendent.

The defendent was both threatening and physical and didn’t appear to be satisfied with my response to him when he aggressively interrupted the conversation I was having with a friend and witness, Monty Fu.

Despite me removing myself and walking to my car, he pursued and assaulted me as I was trying to open my car door.


Acevero’s application for charges alleges assault in the second degree in violation of CR 3-203 by Sobratti.

Sobratti’s Story

Sobratti filed a peace order application the day after Acevero filed his.  In his application (D-06-CV-24-002565), Sobratti accused Acevero of punching, shoving, threats of violence, harassment and misuse of electronic communication or interactive computer service.  The following quotes from Sobratti come from his peace order application.  Grammar and spelling issues appear as stated in his account.


As chair of the District 39 Democratic club, we were hosting a end of summer get together with candidates and elected officials.  After the formal gathering and everyone was socializing and communicating with everyone I was talking with several people and then I made my way over to Mr. Acevero and Montgomery Flu and while they were talking, I joined into the conversation and Mr. Montgomery acknowledged my respond and welcome me, when I said pardon me, but could I ask Mr. Acevero if he would like to donate to the annual legislative dinner send-off for the Senator and three Delegates of the district.  Keep in mind Mr. Acevero is one of the delegates.  He directed me to ask the Senator about it and then let him know.

At that time Mr. Acevero walk away and I did the same and continued to talk with the remainder of the guest at the event.  As time passed on, I tried to talk with Mr. Acevero again before he leave and this time we were standing alongside his car facing each other, he was position in front of his driver’s door and I was standing by the front left fender, maybe 5-10 feet apart.  So I noticed that Mr. Acevero was getting upset and irate for me speaking to him and I repeat my sentence asking could you tell me yes or no if you are willing to help sponsor the legislative dinner and that when Mr. Acevero got extremely agitated and shove me in the chest area and out of natural response I throw a punch to defend myself from Mr. Acevero rage.  As Mr. Acevero continue to charge after me, Mr. Montgomery came out of no where and hold me while Mr. Acevero continue to swing and strike me within my face and head.  As the remaining guest started to get involved and shouted for us to stop, Mr. Acevero went into his car quickly and then came back out.  At this time, I was in fear for my life not knowing what Mr. Acevero went into his car to retrieve or what malicious intent he had in mind after assaulting me for speaking to him about a dinner that is held annually in honor of the District 39 legislative team, which includes himself.  I sustain several bruises to my head and face and the following day my face was soar and I decided to go to the hospital later that night to make sure they wasn’t no internal injuries.


I have spoken with multiple eyewitnesses to the event. They wish to remain anonymous. I have been told that multiple videos of the event were recorded.

Both Acevero and Sobratti have obtained temporary peace orders against each other.  Acevero’s is scheduled for a final peace order hearing on October 1.  Sobratti’s is scheduled for the next day.  Sobratti has been summoned to appear in district court on the criminal charge for a preliminary inquiry on November 4.

Further developments await actions by the State’s Attorney’s Office and the courts.