By Adam Pagnucco. Data Christmas has arrived as precinct results from the primary are now available from the State Board of Elections! We have been busy crunching them and will…
Seventh State Archive
Who is Paying for RGA’s Campaign?
By Adam Pagnucco. As we have previously written, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) has launched a TV and mail campaign promoting Governor Larry Hogan and attacking Democratic nominee Ben Jealous. …
RGA Hits Jealous on Taxes
By Adam Pagnucco. The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is up with a second TV ad, this one claiming that Democratic nominee Ben Jealous would raise taxes and “would blow a…
David Blair’s Concession Email
Dear Friends – Yesterday afternoon the Board of Elections concluded their recount of the Primary Election. The outcome did not change. While we ran a dynamic campaign that pushed the…
Samir Paul’s Concession Statement
By Samir Paul, teacher and former candidate for Delegate in District 16. The recount is over, and we came up short by just 12 votes out of over 56,000 cast….
RGA Runs Hogan as a Democrat
By Adam Pagnucco. Below is the latest mailer by the Republican Governors Association (RGA) on behalf of Governor Larry Hogan. It was sent to a Democratic household in MoCo. Check…
By Adam Pagnucco. Montgomery County is sometimes referred to as “the ATM of Maryland.” That’s because it’s the largest single source of tax revenue for the state and generates much…
By Adam Pagnucco. County Executive candidate David Blair is citing voter “disenfranchisement” as a reason for his asking for a partial recount. Blair is specifically referring to the MVA voter…
RGA Promotes Hogan, Blasts Jealous
By Adam Pagnucco. The Republican Governors Association (RGA) is promoting Governor Larry Hogan and attacking Democratic nominee Ben Jealous in a new mailer. The mailer praises Hogan on education spending…
By Adam Pagnucco. The failure of the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) to transfer data on some voters who changed their registration information to the State Board of Elections (SBE) has…