By Adam Pagnucco. MCPS’s $169 million electric bus contract has been marred by wasteful spending, litigation, poor performance and even criminality surrounding its original award. The school board has now…
By Adam Pagnucco. MCPS grading policy has changed over time, prompting concerns from some teachers and parents. This question, which was suggested by a long-time reader, addresses one such policy…
By Adam Pagnucco. Yesterday, I reported that MCPS was seeking $21.6 million in additional county money for the Charles W. Woodward High School project because an error in its aid…
By Adam Pagnucco. Last week, I reported that a Super PAC funded by the state teachers union planned to spend $134,995 on MoCo’s school board races. At that time, I…
By Adam Pagnucco. Earlier today, I wrote about how Superintendent Thomas Taylor’s first recommended capital budget claimed that due to “errors” by MCPS, the school system was going to lose…
By Adam Pagnucco. Last month, I reported that MCPS was planning a massive school boundary review that will affect roughly three quarters of the district’s high schools and middle schools. …
MCPS “Error” Could Cost Taxpayers Millions
By Adam Pagnucco. MCPS Superintendent Thomas Taylor has released his first recommended capital budget and it contains this admission: An “error” made by MCPS in applying for state aid could…
By Adam Pagnucco. At-large school board candidate Rita Montoya, who is challenging incumbent Lynne Harris, has released a list of endorsements. Her press release is reprinted below. Note: I don’t…
Term Limits Group Spends on TV
By Adam Pagnucco. The Committee for Better Government, which is working to pass a ballot question reducing term limits for the county executive from three to two, has filed a…
Business and Labor Groups Sue MoCo
By Adam Pagnucco. A coalition of business and labor groups has filed suit in federal court against Montgomery County over Bill 13-22, nicknamed by opponents as “the electrocution bill.” The…