By Adam Pagnucco. As I have previously written, MoCo government is in the throes of a dire budget crisis that rivals the near-death experience it…
Hogan is Lying About Question 1
By Adam Pagnucco. Governor Larry Hogan is hopping mad about Question 1, a statewide constitutional amendment on the ballot that would curtail some of his…
Council Nukes Elrich Over COVID Grants
By Adam Pagnucco. Here are two things that almost everyone inside and outside of county government will agree on. The needs of residents and businesses…
Time to Get Control of the Budget
By Adam Pagnucco. Back in July, I wrote a post about the county budget titled “Crash!” The post discussed the county’s revenue writedown of $522…
Would Question B Harm Schools?
By Adam Pagnucco. One of the key claims made by some opponents of Question B (Robin Ficker’s latest charter amendment on taxes) is that it…
How Will We Pay for This?
By Adam Pagnucco. Confronting one of the worst recessions in its history, the MoCo government is projecting a loss of $190 million in revenue this…
How Not to Restructure Government
By Adam Pagnucco. Dear readers, let’s consider the following sequence of events. 2018: County executive candidate Marc Elrich campaigns on a platform of restructuring government….
MoCo is Praying for a Federal Bailout
By Adam Pagnucco. The COVID cuts have begun. County Executive Marc Elrich has sent a mid-year savings plan to the county council, which has tweaked…
By Adam Pagnucco. You heard that deafening noise, yeah? It came from Rockville, specifically from Monroe Street. It was the sound of the county budget…
Hogan’s Shift and Shaft
By Adam Pagnucco. In a long-expected move, Governor Larry Hogan has submitted a long list of state budget cuts to the Board of Public Works….