There is a lot of talk about a Great Crash: that of America’s stock market. And there is a lot of talk about another Great Crash: that of America’s economy….
MoCo: Not as Rich as You Think, Part Two
Because people in Montgomery County are wealthy, they can easily afford big mansions, right? WRONG.The residential real estate boom started in Montgomery County in the late 1990s, as it did…
MoCo: Not as Rich as You Think, Part One
When our state legislators go to Annapolis and look for adequate funding for our schools and transportation facilities, they confront a common attitude from the rest of the state. “You…
The State of Working Maryland 2008
The central findings in Progressive Maryland’s new report are: 1. Rising productivity since the mid-1990s has not lead to significant gains in real wages. 2. Income inequality persists as only…
Red Maryland blogger G.A. Harrison claimed last week that Maryland has lost over 2,500 jobs under Governor O’Malley. But that statement is a gross distortion with little basis in fact.Harrison…
Maryland’s Board of Revenue Estimates projected today that the state would take in $330 million less in revenue than originally forecasted. This is sure to trigger alarm bells in every…
Is MoCo in a Recession?
Recent attention to Montgomery County’s reduced, but still substantial budget deficit (now projected at $297 million) has caused many to pay closer attention to the state of the county’s economy….