Amy Castillo is a MoCo pediatrician who unsuccessfully tried to get a final protective order against her abusive husband, who later drowned her three children….
Luiz Simmons
Republican District 17 House candidate Dan Campos has sent out the mailer below going after Democratic Delegate Luiz Simmons on domestic violence. Simmons is running…
Luiz Simmons Runs on Domestic Violence Issue
Delegate Luiz Simmons (D-17) has sent out the following general election mailer touting his credentials in fighting domestic violence. We find his issue choice ironic…
Luiz Simmons Joins the 21st Century
Kudos to former Gazette reporter Doug Tallman for remembering the hilarious email we printed from Delegate Luiz Simmons (D-17) last fall. And thanks to House…
The Simmons-Kramer Hump-or-Dump Bill
Delegates Luiz Simmons (D-17) and Ben Kramer (D-19) have filed a bill allowing a divorce to be granted if the parties are not having sex….
Barking for Transparency
You’ve seen this before. It’s a quiet night in the neighborhood. Then one dog barks. And then another. And another. Soon the entire neighborhood is…
Was This a Legal Robocall?
Delegate Luiz Simmons (D-17) sent out a robocall into his district on Monday without an authority line. Was that legal?On September 14, many residents of…
We hear that County Executive Ike Leggett and County Council Member Duchy Trachtenberg endorsed Delegate Ben Kramer (D-19) in the District 4 special election at…
Abuser Expungement Bill Rises From the Grave
Yesterday, we reported that a bill sponsored by Delegate Luiz Simmons (D-17) allowing accused domestic abusers to expunge their records was defeated. But we spoke…