It has been more than a month since the life-threatening water pipe break on River Road. And while Montgomery County Council Members have begun to raise questions, a solution to…
Montgomery County Council
What To Watch for in 2009
By Marc Korman. With many end of the year articles and blogs focusing on the best of, most influential, and so on of 2008, I thought it might be more…
Communication Breakdown
Just for the fun of it, I decided to attend the County Council’s meeting to discuss our state delegation’s local bills this morning. I know, I know – politically-addicted bloggers…
Have a Drink for the Road!
Sound like a bad idea? Hey, if you don’t want to listen to me, then listen to your County Council Members!I am writing this blog post from the Royal Mile…
The County Council’s Transportation & Environment Committee, comprised of Chairwoman Nancy Floreen and Council Members George Leventhal and Roger Berliner, was informed about the state’s transportation cuts this morning. Their…
By a 7-2 vote, the Montgomery County Council passed a prevailing wage law covering county-funded construction work. In doing so, they protected thousands of construction workers on public jobsites. Prevailing…
The Gazette and Free State Politics have both covered the state’s continuing budget problems. Now the Gazette informs us that Montgomery County is facing at least a $240 million deficit…
The Scandals of MoCo
That really is one humdinger of a scandal Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon is embroiled in! It’s got everything – money, corruption, sex, evil developers, furs, sex, contracting violations, sex, and…
Give Them a Raise!
Folks, I have been in the labor movement for almost 14 years and rarely have I seen a more oppressed group of workers. They are vastly underpaid compared to their…
How the Planning Board Vote Went Down
The Gazette reported the County Council’s selection of Joseph Alfandre and Amy Presley to the Planning Board yesterday. But the details of the vote are more interesting than the results.By…