Steady population and employment growth. Rising CO2 emissions. Limited transportation funding. Different locations of jobs and housing. Congested Central Business Districts. And expensive costs for rail. How do you deal…
The Elrich Plan, Part One
At-large County Council Member Marc Elrich has introduced a sweeping new transportation proposal. It is ambitious. It is comprehensive. It violates several taboos. But will it work?In assessing the effectiveness…
Crisis in Transportation, Part Three
In Part Two, we described Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski’s aggressive infrastructure bill to create jobs, stimulate the state’s economy and generate long-run returns for Oregon. So what about Maryland?No one…
Crisis in Transportation, Part Two
A flatlining economy. Intolerable and worsening traffic congestion. Falling transportation revenues. Maryland has all of these problems. So does Oregon. The difference is that Oregon’s political leadership is doing something…
Crisis in Transportation, Part One
Last week was a tough one for Maryland transportation advocates. Let us count the ways.1. The message from MDOT Secretary John Porcari’s Road Show presentation in Rockville was a gloomy…
Rich Madaleno on the Budget
Following is a statement from Senator Rich Madaleno (D-18), a member of the Senate’s Budget and Taxation Committee, on the state’s budget.On Tuesday, the Department of Legislative Services (DLS) briefed…
Ross Capon’s Testimony on the Purple Line
Ross Capon became Executive Director of the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) in 1976 and was named President this year.Statement of National Association of Railroad Passengers And Ross Capon,…
Gigi Godwin’s Testimony on the Purple Line
Georgette “Gigi” Godwin has been President and CEO of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce since 2006.Good Evening. I am Gigi Godwin, President of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce….
At-large County Council Member George Leventhal is a member of the Council’s Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee and is currently serving his second term.• Increased convenience and improved quality…
David Lublin’s Testimony on the Purple Line
Following is the testimony of Town of Chevy Chase Council Member David Lublin, who is a Professor at American University and is the founder of Maryland Politics Watch.Thank you for…