The Baltimore Sun’s Mike Dresser reports that the WMATA bus driver accused of violating the agency’s cell phone policy has escaped discipline. WTOP confirmed our story on the driver’s innocence,…
washington post
WTOP Confirms MPW WMATA Story
WTOP is now confirming what our source told us about the WMATA bus driver cell-phone incident: she was not making a personal call, but was trying to contact management about…
Is WMATA Management Starting to Crack?
In the aftermath of the June 22 Red Line accident, WMATA is an understandably tense organization these days. But a recent event gives insight into the growing strains inside the…
New Purple Line Route Goes Through Columbia
According to a Maryland Moment post, the Purple Line will now be routed through Columbia. Perhaps they meant to say that the Purple Line will be routed through the grounds…
Post Runs PR Content as News
The Post’s Howard Kurtz gives the following account of the newspaper’s decision to run an article from a hospital’s in-house PR magazine as “news.” Why did they do it? The…
Print MSM to MoCo: Adios!
So you thought the print mainstream media (MSM) was undergoing changes? Wait until you read this!Washington PostMoCo political reporter Ann Marimow is on maternity leave. We hear that when she…
Post Ombudsman Covers Dinnergate
Washington Post Ombudsman Andrew Alexander offers a thorough report on the Dinnergate scandal today. He details participation by four newsroom editors in planning the event, none of whom said it…
DC Madam Lives Again
This belongs in the category of “Can’t make this stuff up.” We have had a handful of readers access our “Washington Post Readers Erupt Over Dinnergate” post by searching for…
The Washington Post’s readers are roaring with fury at the newspaper’s Dinnergate scandal. As of this writing, nearly 700 comments have poured into Howard Kurtz’s article on the debacle, more…
Post Dinnergate Flyer
Here is the flyer that triggered the Washington Post’s massive Dinnergate scandal.