The Governor has been raising so much money recently that perhaps his Maryland donors are tapped out. So when in doubt, just go to South Beach! We reprint the Governor’s newest fundraising solicitation below.

Just two questions:

1. Who came up with the brilliant idea to hold a fundraiser at a place called “the Meat Market?”

2. Who’s paying for the plane tickets and the hotel rooms?

You are invited to join
Mayor Manny Diaz
And our hosts

Michael & Judy Adler • Karen Adler • David & Hinda Adler Alex & Tiffany Heckler

for a reception in support of

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley

Sunday, October 11th 2009
12:00 Noon

At the Meat Market Miami Beach
915 Lincoln Road
Miami Beach, FL

RSVP required to Adam Goers at 202-812-3231 or

Individuals, corporations, associations and partnerships may contribute up to $4,000 to a Maryland non-federal campaign account and up to $10,000 in the aggregate to all Maryland non-federal campaign accounts during each four year elections cycle (Jan. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2010).

Contributions or Gifts to Friends of Martin O’Malley are not tax deductible.
By Authority: Friends of Anthony Brown, Gerard Boden, Treasurer.
By Authority: Friends of Martin O’Malley, Martin F. Cadogan, Treasure

Friends of Anthony Brown and Friends of Martin O’Malley are separate campaign accounts and can each accept a contribution of $4,000 from the same individual, corporation, association and partnership.

The solicitation asks for one of two categories of contributions: $4,000 or “other.” It doesn’t pay to be shy in fundraising!

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