North Bethesda lawyer Charlie Chester is running for Delegate in District 16. He is a familiar name on the ballot, having run unsuccessfully for Delegate in 1986, 1994, 2002 and 2006; losing bids for appointment in 2002 and 2007; and losing to Republican Senator Howie Denis as the Democratic nominee in 1990. Following is Chester’s announcement.

65 Valerian Court
North Bethesda, Md. 20852

June 1, 2010.

Hello. This is Charlie Chester.

There are going to be changes in the State House Delegation from Montgomery County this year, both in District 16 and Countywide. Of course, this includes the departure of Bill Bronrott.

I am writing for your support of my election as Delegate from District 16. I am someone who has a proven record, both to the Party and in Annapolis.

For 20 years, I have used my legal and legislative skills both in District16 and Annapolis. Serving our party as a precinct official, Democratic State Senate Nominee and Treasurer for a Countywide Slate of incumbent elected officials. In Annapolis, I served as Counsel to our Senate Delegation, as Vice Chair of the (Governor’s) Council on Fitness, as an Advisor to our Secretary of State and an Electoral Reform Commission, and as a member of a State Advisory Panel for the State Department of Education.

I successfully testified, lobbied and crafted a consensus on mandating bicycle and pedestrian pathways on state roads and requiring school construction monies for gymnasiums. These efforts are part of a frontal attack on the State’s physical and fiscal health. Obesity is literally eating up at least1.5 billion dollars of our medicaid budget, something that cannot be sustained long-term and which drains spending for other priorities. Plus, recreational facilities on our roadways are part of a smart growth policy, a movement that is more environmentally friendly.

Following my work on the “Butterfly Ballot” litigation before the Florida Supreme Court, 2000, I submitted proposed changes to our election laws that became part of a report of recommendations to the State Legislature.

I have fought for Montgomery County, our electoral process and most important, the health and education of our families. My work on family and children’s education and health, particularly obesity, has also been done as a longtime and active member of the board of directors for our Bethesda YMCA, and as an Adjunct Professor at Montgomery College, where I taught for many years.

We will miss Bill Bronrott’s effective leadership and experience – – all the more reason to elect someone ready to serve. Lets choose someone familiar and effective navigating the legislative process. Someone who can point to concrete legislative achievements. I am the one candidate who meets the criteria. I am the one candidate who can hit the ground running and know what to do, and how to do it.

I ask for your support in my campaign. You have my commitment to show leadership and take action.

Best regards, Charlie

By Authority: Citizens for Charles Chester. Elaine S. Belson, Treasurer.