District 14 Senate challenger Karen Montgomery has sent the following email to supporters in response to Senator Rona Kramer’s mail about her failure to attend the 2006 and 2007 special sessions. The email contains a video from a supporter as a response to the negative mail. There’s just one problem: neither the email nor the video responds in any way to the absence issue cited in Kramer’s mail. Here is Montgomery’s email, which was sent out on Tuesday.


Dear [Voter],

The Karen Montgomery for Senate campaign has focused on issues from day 1. We have chosen not to embark on Karl Rove-style politics. This campaign has discussed voting records and policy. The past week has shown that our opponent is not committed to the same standards. Many of you have called us, outraged and disgusted, and said “How are you going to respond?”

The best response has come from you: the District 14 voters, our supporters and our friends. We have made a series of videos that let Karen’s constituents tell their stories about how she has served them and our community as a whole. The first video is below:

We will be sending you more videos over the coming week. If you want to help Karen win, take a look at these videos, forward them to your friends, and post them on your websites and your Facebook pages. And if you’d like to get more involved in the last week of the campaign, please call us now at 301-792-6357 or email citizen(at)citizenkepler.com.

We will be working hard in other ways to get the message out, but your stories are the heart of this campaign. It would be great if each of you would forward these stories to as many people as possible. Finally, please remember to vote and have everyone in your family vote on Sept. 14.