One of our informants forwarded the following absentee ballot counts by legislative district. These counts have implications for a number of close races.

Democratic Absentee Ballots, as of 10am this morning…

D14: 636 requested — 320 returned so far

D15: 692 requested — 312 returned so far

D16: 1735 requested — 868 returned so far

D17: 814 requested — 461 returned so far

D18: 1266 requested — 599 returned so far

D19: 925 requested — 528 returned so far

D20: 731 requested — 297 returned so far

D39: 430 requested — 208 returned so far

The spy notes, “If the absentees returned don’t increase dramatically, Rona Kramer would have to take 60% of them, Kyle Lierman would need 65% and Cheryl Kagan would need 80%.”