The Leauge of Women Voters of Montgomery County sent out the following mass email today protesting robocalls using its name without permission that advocated for the ambulance fee (MoCo Question A).

From: “LWV of Montgomery County, MD”
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2010 18:50:05 -0400
To: []Subject: Unauthorized Robocalls Sent Using League’s Name

Dear League Members,

Over the weekend robocalls using the League of Women Voters name went out to the community telling them to vote for Question A. This was not authorized by us and we asked the group involved to stop. To notify the public, the press release below was sent to the Gazette, the Washington Post and to WAMU radio, as well as being posted on our website:

Although we support the ambulance fee law passed by the Council in Ballot Question A, the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County did not authorize the use of robocalls by the Committee for Question A. In fact, on October 21, we made it very clear in written correspondence that we did not want to be involved in such calls and on Sunday evening October 31, the Committee agreed to stop all calls immediately. Unfortunately, some unauthorized calls went out.

Diane Hibino and Elaine Apter, Co-Presidents

Please spread the word that sending out robocalls is not the way the League does business, and we are very upset that our name was used this way.

Cindy Snow, Office Manager

The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, MD, Inc.
12216 Parklawn Dr., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852-1710
Tel: 301-984-9585 Fax: 301-984-9586