By Adam Pagnucco.

The Committee for Better Government, a group organized by former Republican county executive candidate Reardon Sullivan, has delivered more than 13,000 signatures to the county executive’s office supporting a charter amendment limiting the executive to two consecutive terms.  (Right now, the executive is limited to three).  Of the ten counties in Maryland that are governed by a mayor or executive, seven limit them to two terms.  In order to qualify for the ballot, a citizen-initiated charter amendment must have at least 10,000 valid signatures from county voters.

Normally, a certain percentage of signatures are disqualified by the board of elections, so 13,000 signatures may not be enough on their own.  However, the group claims that this is the first of three deliveries.  They have until July 29 to deliver more signatures.  The board has 20 days to process and validate signatures from each delivery.

Committee for Better Government’s statement is reprinted below, along with a few pictures of their signature delivery today.


Today, the Committee for Better Government delivered 13,000+ signatures to the County Executive’s office so that a question can be placed on the November ballot to limit the number of consecutive four year terms that the Montgomery County Executive may hold. This is the first of what will be three deliveries of ballot petition signature submissions. 10,000 valid voter signatures are required to change three words in the current County Charter to limit the County Executives to two terms.

Committee Chairman Reardon Sullivan noted, “This was a team effort with many large and small contributions including people knocking on doors, attending County events, talking to their neighbors, and standing outside of stores to get signatures…and we are not done yet.”

Sullivan remarked, “When we checked the signatures against the available Board of Election voter rolls, we were impressed to see that the majority of the petition signers were Democrats and Independents who understand the importance of term limits.”

If passed, this change to the County Charter will ensure no Montgomery County Executive serves more terms than the US President or the Maryland Governor. Typically, term limit legislation passes with 70% + of the vote.

Committee Chairman Reardon Sullivan further noted, “Term limits are just good governance … If two terms is good enough for Reagan, Obama, and Hogan, isn’t it good enough for our County?”