By Dan Hoffman.

Several months ago Marc Korman provided a post to MPW referencing the development of a new organization in Montgomery County, aimed at re-engaging county residents and giving them a tool for bringing fresh ideas, perspectives, and solutions to our elected County officials. I’d like to finally introduce the organization he was referring to, the Citizens League of Montgomery County.

The Citizens League of Montgomery County (CLMC) is comprised of individuals, or ‘Member Citizens’. We feel that your individual perspective and ideas are important. After all, ideas begin with one individual. Seeing an idea to fruition in Montgomery County, as in many places, is a long and daunting process for any individual.

The CLMC was formed to give that individual, you, a new course. For those who care about positively participating in the development of policies that will shape our County for decades to come, we are offering a vehicle for you to get involved on your terms. Using technology to its fullest potential to reach untapped pockets of activism in the County, CLMC hopes to facilitate the civic process for thousands of County residents.

Our collective strength will help influence County leaders towards balanced, common good solutions. We are not ‘pro’ or ‘anti’, right or left, but rather we seek to help individuals find that elusive third option, and bring it to the surface. The Board of CLMC is made up of individuals from all walks that believe in this and are looking to you and your guidance. We have gathered a Board of County leaders to help guide the formation of CLMC and build membership: Casey Anderson, Jaclyn Lichter, Henry Hailstock, Rich Parsons, Oscar Ramirez, Chad Salganick, Barnaby Zall and myself. Join the League today and become a Member Citizen. Being a member of the League is free and open to everyone (although we do accept donations – from County residents and capped off annually to keep this a true grassroots organization). We’re excited about the potential ideas every individual in this County has to offer!

So please visit and join today. Consider submitting an idea or perhaps comment on some of the ideas that have already been posted. Add us on Facebook as well. This organization will be successful with YOUR participation. This is your think tank and we have significant challenges ahead of us in this County. So let’s get to work!