By Adam Pagnucco.

MCPS Superintendent Monifa McKnight has released a document titled, “Action Plan Update: A Framework for Change at MCPS.”  The document is seven pages long.  After describing the key findings of its investigation into sexual harassment, it says:


While we work to develop a full comprehensive plan, action in nine key areas will be initiated over the next 60 days and will be informed by:

  • Communities of Practice: Panels of experts who will come together to recommend specific actions MCPS must take in the key areas listed below to form a comprehensive corrective action plan.
  • “Listening to Lead” Sessions: Engagement with staff about how to enhance culture, improve staff morale, and create great working and learning environments
  • Inspector General Investigation: Findings and recommendations from the Inspector General regarding misconduct as well as ”whether MCPS has effective procedures for the receipt, assignment, investigation, referral, resolution, documentation, and retention of allegations of misconduct by its employees.”


The plan’s first page.

The nine key areas identified for “corrective action” include the following.


1. Reporting Mechanisms for Named and Anonymous Complaints:

Through the reporting hub, individuals can access a range of independent, secure and confidential reporting mechanisms, including Safe Schools Maryland, The Lighthouse Hotline and the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General’s Hotline. Posters featuring these resources have been distributed to district offices and schools alongside posters from the Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General. Every report, named or anonymous, will be reviewed and appropriately investigated.

2. Investigating Named and Anonymous Complaints:

We must have an integrity-driven investigations unit, benchmarked against best practices and models from various sectors. During a transition period, temporary leadership has been assigned to the unit. Aligned with Board of Education policies, this unit will be revamped and restructured to efficiently examine and investigate named and anonymous violations. The skills, knowledge and expertise required of personnel to conduct the investigations will be required along with training. A streamlined reporting process will ensure the swift handling of allegations.

3. Policies, Regulations, and Practices:

The Board and superintendent will collaborate to develop a comprehensive policy that reflects the Board’s priorities for recruitment, promotion and hiring of administrators within the school system and update or create new regulations to align with the new policy that establishes the process for implementation of the administrative and supervisory hiring process. Effective immediately, administrators will not be considered for promotion while under investigation. Robust required background checks, prior to making a preliminary recommendation for appointment, will be implemented.

4. Employee Support:

Employees in need of support should reach out to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which provides professional, confidential counseling to employees and eligible family members on a variety of life issues. The EAP can connect employees who need more intense support. Through listening to employees, we will learn what resources are needed.

5. Promotions Process:

To ensure that highly qualified and fully vetted individuals lead our schools and offices, we are updating the promotions process. Effective immediately, a  multi-faceted background check will be put in place to ensure that all decision-makers are fully informed about each candidate, beyond information in the resume, interview, references and criminal background check already in place. We will fully review any investigations, conduct a thorough review of personnel files, an internet search, a Maryland Case Search and more. Only candidates who have been cleared of this background check will be eligible to proceed to the Appointments Committee. The Board and superintendent will receive attestations verifying that the information about the candidate is “true, accurate and complete.”

6. Professional Development for Supervisory Staff:

Comprehensive training on sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, workplace bullying and appropriate workplace conduct will be required of all supervisory staff, equipping them to recognize, address and prevent such behavior in the workplace.

7. Staff Climate and Culture:

Schools are expected to utilize the climate survey data in the development of their improvement plans for the climate and culture goal. In January, MCPS will fully deploy the surveys for staff, students and families. The results will be provided by early spring to engage school and central office leaders in action planning, in collaboration with staff, based on the results.

8. Email Retention:

The investigation has brought into question MCPS’ email retention practices. MCPS retains all employee emails for one year, a change made in 2019 from a previous retention period of 30 days. We will be benchmarking for best practices to determine whether to extend email retention periods for some or all staff.

9. Risk Analysis:

Scheduled risk analysis is important for reviewing and improving processes that allow organizations to proactively identify and address emerging threats, inefficiencies and workplace misconduct. MCPS must be agile, compliant with regulations and responsive to challenges that affect operations, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of employees and students, and protecting the ability of the district to ensure a successful teaching and learning environment.


The full plan can be downloaded at the link below.

MCPS Action Plan Update Document-2

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